
Friday, April 25, 2014

Essential Question #10

What are we using the Flash program to create? Tell me at least 5 terms and explain them that you learned as we did practice with Flash.

 We are using Flash to make a short story about whatever we want. We learned about the clipboard and stage areas. The clipboard is off to the side of the stage and is where things are held that aren't in the story at that time. The stage is the main part of the story. We learned about the timeline, which is the parts of the story in order, that you can edit freely. We learned how to use the deco tool. The deco tool is a tool that adds designs to the area clicked. We learned about tweens. There are 3 types of tweens; Classic Tween, Motion Tween, and Shape Tween. The classic tween is used to move an object in a straight line. The motion tween is used when you want to give and object an arc when moving. The shape tween is used on shapes, and it turns one selected shape into another selected shape.

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